今日は私達のビジネスパートナである ASAKARA GOOD STORE を紹介します!

2018年11月に大阪市中央区の閑静な住宅街にALL DAY BREAKFASTをテーマにオープンしたカフェダイナーです。
またメニューのテーマは「VERSATILE AMERICAN DINER」"バーサタイル アメリカンダイナー"
TOKYO COFFEEさんは、まさに僕らの掲げるコンセプト、テーマにぴったりで、僕らにとって商売の垣根を超えた最高のパートナーに巡り会えたと実感しております。
そんなTOKYO COFFEEさんと作り上げた”Wholesome Kitchen Blend”を大阪にお越しの際は是非お立ち寄りいただき、お試しくださいませ。
Today I am going to introduce one of our business partners, ASAKARA GOOD STORE (AGS), located in a quiet area of Chuo-ku, Osaka, and which opened in November 2018. They chose the name, ASAKARA GOOD STORE, because they believe that starting a day greatly can make somebody’s entire day:
“We want to help our customers to have that experience through our food and service and our WHOLESOME KITCHEN: where, from person to person, from past to future, and between society and environment, interactions are met wholesomely.”
AGS aspires to provide a wholesome time, “when you can smile naturally, thanks to our hearty cooking and hospitality.”
The theme of this food menu is “Versatile American Diner.” There are hamburgers, sandwiches, salads, smoothie bowls, and vegan offerings. Especially in regard to the last, AGS endeavors to come alongside various diet styles by using traditional Japanese seasonings that harmonize with American foods.
TOKYO COFFEE is a perfect fit for this concept and theme and we are proud to share AGS’ endorsement of us.
“We (at AGS) feel that we have found the best partner that transcends the boundaries of our businesses. Please stop by and try ‘Wholesome Kitchen Blend’ created with TOKYO COFFEE when you come to Osaka!”