オーガニック エルサルバドル コーヒー豆
Our coffee selection from El Salvador has the rich sweetness of milk chocolate. The farm has received the Cup of Excellence Award on seven occasions. It’s difficult to explain how rich the taste of these beans are. Coffee lovers will be able to appreciate the full sense of beans packed with deliciousness.
Organic El Salvador Flavor Profile
フルーツのような甘酸っぱさをいかした、シティローストで仕上げております。 フレーバー:アップル、ミルクチョコレート、ピーチ
With Organic El Salvador you get the fruity acidity that is characteristic of city roasts. Milk chocolatey sweetness is balanced out by a apple-like sweetness with a peachy aftertaste.
※サブスクリプションコーヒー(定期購入の場合):400グラム以下のご注文はフラットバッグでの梱包、メール便にて配送させて頂きます。All subscription coffee orders weighing 400 grams or less will be shipped via "Nekoposu" in a flat coffee bag. Our aim is to cut lower costs for our valued customers!