Live Organic 第10弾です

Recycle and Reuse in Tokyo Coffee Roastery Cafe

TOKYO COFFEEロースタリーカフェは、約1年という時間をかけ、主に東京コーヒーのスタッフが独自で、解体、リノベーション工事などをしてきました。エントランスやカウンター裏(一番きれいなところ)は知り合いの大工さんにお願いしました。

We are so proud of the fact that we were able to do most of the construction and renovation work for our roastery cafe.
As we took on this crazy project we had a clear vision in mind: we
wanted to create an open, connected space that brought out the raw beauty of the structure while recycling and reusing as much of the old material as possible.
We kept all of the old wood frames from the ceilings and walls that usually gets thrown out and used them for tables, shelves and other parts of the building. The beams hanging from the ceiling are from an old cabin near Nojiri Lake in Nagano prefecture.